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Ant. Liberavit Dominus

The Lord freed ❇ the poor man from the mighty, and the needy whom no one will help.

Psalmus 71.
Psalm 71.
71:1. Deus, judícium tuum regi da : * et justítiam tuam fílio regis : 1. Give to the king thy judgment, O God: * and to the king's son thy justice:
71:2. Judicáre pópulum tuum in justítia, * et páuperes tuos in judício. 2. To judge thy people with justice, * and thy poor with judgment.
71:3. Suscípiant montes pacem pópulo : * et colles justítiam. 3. Let the mountains receive peace for the people: * and the hills justice.
71:4. Judicábit páuperes pópuli, et salvos fáciet fílios páuperum : * et humiliábit calumniatórem. 4. He shall judge the poor of the people, and he shall save the children of the poor: * and he shall humble the oppressor.
71:5. Et permanébit cum sole, et ante lunam, * in generatióne et generatiónem. 5. And he shall continue with the sun, and before the moon, * throughout all generations.
71:6. Descéndet sicut plúvia in vellus : * et sicut stillicídia stillántia super terram. 6. He shall come down like rain upon the fleece; * and as showers falling gently upon the earth.
71:7. Oriétur in diébus ejus justítia, et abundántia pacis : * donec auferátur luna. 7. In his days shall justice spring up, and abundance of peace, * till the moon be taken away.
71:8. Et dominábitur a mari usque ad mare : * et a flúmine usque ad términos orbis terrárum. 8. And he shall rule from sea to sea, * and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
71:9. Coram illo prócident Æthíopes : * et inimíci ejus terram lingent. 9. Before him the Ethiopians shall fall down: * and his enemies shall lick the ground.
71:10. Reges Tharsis, et ínsulæ múnera ófferent : * reges Árabum et Saba dona addúcent. 10. The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents: * the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts:
71:11. Et adorábunt eum omnes reges terræ : * omnes gentes sérvient ei : 11. And all kings of the earth shall adore him: * all nations shall serve him.
71:12. Quia liberábit páuperem a poténte : * et páuperem, cui non erat adjútor. 12. For he shall deliver the poor from the mighty: * and the needy that had no helper.
71:13. Parcet páuperi et ínopi : * et ánimas páuperum salvas fáciet. 13. He shall spare the poor and needy: * and he shall save the souls of the poor.
71:14. Ex usúris et iniquitáte rédimet ánimas eórum : * et honorábile nomen eórum coram illo. 14. He shall redeem their souls from usuries and iniquity: * and their names shall be honourable in his sight.
71:15. Et vivet, et dábitur ei de auro Arábiæ, et adorábunt de ipso semper : * tota die benedícent ei. 15. And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Arabia, for him they shall always adore: * they shall bless him all the day.
71:16. Et erit firmaméntum in terra in summis móntium, superextollétur super Líbanum fructus ejus : * et florébunt de civitáte sicut fœnum terræ. 16. And there shall be a firmament on the earth on the tops of mountains, above Libanus shall the fruit thereof be exalted: * and they of the city shall flourish like the grass of the earth.
71:17. Sit nomen ejus benedíctum in sæcula : * ante solem pérmanet nomen ejus. 17. Let his name be blessed for evermore: * his name continueth before the sun.
71:18. Et benedicéntur in ipso omnes tribus terræ : * omnes gentes magnificábunt eum. 18. And in him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed: * all nations shall magnify him.
71:19. Benedíctus Dóminus, Deus Israël, * qui facit mirabília solus : 19. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, * who alone doth wonderful things.
71:20. Et benedíctum nomen majestátis ejus in ætérnum : * et replébitur majestáte ejus omnis terra : fiat, fiat. 20. And blessed be the name of his majesty for ever: * and the whole earth shall be filled with his majesty. So be it. So be it.

Ant. Liberavit Dominus